Front Architecture in Konya Houses
Konya Evlerinde Cephe Mimarisi

Author : Erkan AYGÖR
Number of pages : 153-181


The subject of the research constitutes the identifying the traditional and frontal elements with European Architectural influences in the late 19th and early 20th century history of houses built in the city center of Konya. The processes posed by cultural, technological, economic and political factors occurring in this have affected period the people, their living environment and houses. Socio-cultural and economic situation of homeowners has also been influential in shaping the houses. Recearchers are based on archives, field studies and literature. Survey, plans, sections, elevations, tables and photographs are materials that contribute to the understanding of the houses. In this study, front characteristics history of the houses in the centre of Konya have been determined and the composition and the decoration styles of gratings have been studied. Konya houses, Front Elements have been explained under the topics of front elements, roofs, eaves, cantilevers, windows, and doors. Gratins have been told under the topics of material and method, composition, and ornaments


Traditional House, European Architecture, Front Architecture, Grating

